You might have to avoid a few dodgy quiffs inside, but it might be worth it to check out some kitchensink classics at London’s ICA.
Why the quiffs? Well, the screenings are part of a Smithsfest, a weekend of events celebrating The Smiths. But don’t let that put you off, as the screenings are well worth your time.
Topping the bill is a double bill screening of A Taste Of Honey and The Leather Boys, which also includes a Q&A session with one of the stars of both of those films, Rita Tushingham. That takes place at 5pm on Friday 29th March, with tickets at £12 (some discounts apply).
If that’s not enough, there’s a further double bill of Poor Cow and It Always Rains on Sunday, the latter actually a late ’40s film looking at life after the war in East London. That is at 1pm on 30th March, with tickets again £12.
Finally, if you want a late night movie experience, there’s a screening of Saturday Night and Sunday Morning at 10:30pm on Saturday 30th March, which is £10 to get into.
If you want to know more, check out the ICA website.